2023 / 2022 / 2021 / 2020 / 2019 / 2016 / Add yours
- “International survey explores changing words for gender” by Jennie Kermode for Bylines Scotland (published 13th June 2023)
- “Is it ok to say ‘queer’?“ by Jessica Kellgren-Fozard (YouTube video, published 8th November 2023 – the gender census is mentioned about 11 minutes in)
- “Stereotypes and Smut: The (Mis)representation of Non-cisgender Identities by Text-to-Image Models“ by Eddie Ungless, Bjorn Ross, Anne Lauscher; ACL Anthology (published July 2023)
- “Don’t ask about my Genitals: An introductory manifesto to trans and non-binary equality” by Owen J Hurcum (published 2022)
- “Niebinarny spis powszechny“ (“Non-binary census”), zaimki.pl – the Polish equivalent of the Gender Census
- “The Great Pronoun Shift: The Big Impact of Little Parts of Speech“ by Helene Seltzer Krauthamer (published 14th April 2021)
- “The Gender Book“ by hunter rook, Jay Mays and Robin Mack (I’m told the Gender Census will get a mention in the further reading and endnote sections of the next edition)
- “Here’s How to Know the Difference Between Miss, Mrs., and Ms., and Mx.“ by Devon Delfino, grammarly.com (published 28th June 2021)
- “Generic and Nonbinary Pronouns : Usage, Acceptability and Attitudes“, doctoral dissertation, Laura Hekanaho – we get a mention on page 6, and Dr Hekanaho refers to our results on page 221.
- “Give Elliot Page—and All of Us—the Rightful ‘They’“, Sarah Cavar for Bitch Media – we’re linked at the start of paragraph 2.
- “Pronouns, Prescriptivism, and Prejudice: Attitudes toward the Singular ‘They’, Prescriptive Grammar, and Nonbinary Transgender People“, MA thesis, Ellis Hernandez – we’re cited on pages 15 and 43.
- “How to They/Them: A visual guide to nonbinary pronouns and the world of gender fluidity“ by Stuart Getty, illustrated by Brooke Thyng – we’re on page 39.
- “Gender-Neutral Pronouns 101: Everything You’ve Always Wanted to Know“ by Devin-Norelle for them.us, May 2020.
- “Gender: Your Guide: A Gender-Friendly Primer on What to Know, What to Say, and What to Do in the New Gender Culture“ by Lee Airton – our data is used throughout.
- “On, ona, ono: translating gender neutral pronouns into Croatian“, a peer-reviewed paper, Marijana Šincek – we’re on page 97. [Croatian and English translations.]
- “What’s Your Pronoun?: Beyond He and She“, by Dennis Baron, January 2020. We’re on page 127.
- “Nounself pronouns: Expressing gender and other identities through pronouns“, presentation, Ehm Hjorth Miltersen.
- “Ignore the Textbook: A Phenomenoloical Investigation of Transgender Including Nonbinary Student Experiences in Spanish Language Courses“, doctoral dissertation, Jillane Nicole Baros – the 2017 results are cited on page 110.
- “Género e transgressão : (des)fazendo o masculino e o feminino em Portugal e no Reino Unido“ (“Gender and transgression : (un)making masculine and feminine in Portugal and the United Kingdom”), PhD thesis, Sara Merlini – we’re mostly on pages 157-9. [Portuguese, no translation.]
- “How to ask about gender“, Chad Gowler (@kitation), Render 2016 – various gender data comes from the Gender Census (called Nonbinary Stats at the time), and we get a shout-out at the end.
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In order to keep this page relatively tidy, I have a rule that the projects listed here can’t be wiki pages or self-published. Aside from that it’s fairly open, and I would really love to hear about how you’re using the results, or how you’ve seen others use the results.
Please email me at hello@gendercensus.com – and please note that I might not check the inbox very often for 10 months of the year.
email: hello@gendercensus.com