Gender Census 2021: Worldwide Summary

Who? Everyone whose gender doesn’t tidily fit into the female/male binary.

What? An online survey asking participants how they describe themselves and how they would like other people to refer to them.

When? February to March 2021.

Participants: 44,583

The full report: click here

Raw data and summary tables: Google Sheets:

Identity words

The top five were:

  1. nonbinary – 68.2% (up 1.8%)
  2. queer (partially or completely in relation to gender) – 48.0% (up 5.1%)
  3. enby – 37.0% (up 5.5%)
  4. trans – 33.5% (down 0.2%)
  5. gender non-conforming – 32.9% (up 3.9%)


The top 5 were:

  1. No title at all – 34.7% (up 0.3%)
  2. Mx – 24.7% (down 3.3%)
  3. Mr – 8.2% (down 0.4%)
  4. Non-gendered professional/academic title – 7.3% (up 2.0%)
  5. Ms – 4.9% (no change)


Here’s the top 5:

  1. Singular they – they/them/their/theirs/themself – 79.2% (up 1.7%)
  2. He – he/him/his/his/himself – 33.8% (up 3.3%)
  3. She – she/her/her/hers/herself – 31.7% (up 2.7%)
  4. None/avoid pronouns – 12.6% (down 1.1%)
  5. It – it/it/its/its/itself – 9.3% (up 3.7%)

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